Josh Bossie

The driftwood will remind him about eternity

Category: Development Diary

  • Building a Village, 5/17/2019 – Treasure Mainland

    Hello Villagers! There are many hobbies to pursue in your time in the village, but if you like making money and learning lore there’s really only one hobby for you: Treasure Hunting! Treasure hunting is immensely rewarding, but it requires a lot more leg work than the other hobbies. You must first find where treasure…

  • Building a Village, 5/12/2019 – Flight Delay

    Hello Villagers! A couple weeks ago I announced that Village Monsters would be missing its spring release. It’s a major bummer, but it was the right thing to do for the game. In this post I’ll expand a bit on why it was delayed as well as outline the new schedule. If nothing else I…

  • Building a Village, 4/19/2019 – Music Box

    Hello Villagers! Like most humans I enjoy listening to music. And like most humans I couldn’t create music even if my life depended on it. Enter Josh Woodward. I ran into Josh’s site while trying to find a free track for my first trailer. Josh has made a ton of excellent music, and it’s all…

  • Building a Village, 04/03/2019 – Spring Cleaning

    Hello Villagers! I’m trying something a little different with today’s dev diary. Instead of featuring things I’ve added or improved I’ll be talking about things I’ve removed. I think it’s fun to talk about the process of trimming the fat; examining how and why things were cut can be pretty revealing to the overall design…

  • Destroying a Village: 4/1/2019

    For the past several months I have been pouring over data that I’ve been secretly gathering via a network of spies. Years worth of gamer feedback, complaints, and demands – all neatly packed and collated for my consumption What have I concluded from the data? You don’t want a fun and relaxing game. You hate…

  • Building a Village, 03/10/2019 – Song of Time

    Hello Villagers! I really love the passage of time in video games. Day / Night cycles, seasonal changes, NPC schedules, and so on – I eat that stuff up. There was a time in the late 90s and early 00s where it seems every game – regardless of genre – included the passage of time…

  • Building a Village, 02/18/2019 – Story Time

    Hello Villagers! The date at the top of this draft says “January 4th”. Oh past Josh, you were tragically naive. At the bottom of this post I’ve shared why this update is so late. But for now, I want to talk about something I haven’t yet: the story of Village Monsters! In my original pitch…