Category: Uncategorized

Sprint 12 – I am Thou – Planning

I AM THOU Week of April 2nd, 2017 WARP DOGS’ CORP LOGS The state of our WARP CORP continues to hold steady at ~pretty good~ The Extinction-Level-Event (ELE) is holding steady at ~44 weeks away. Neat! Hey, hi, hello! My name is Josh. I do, uh, video games…? It really does feel like I’m back after weeks of floundering. […]

Sprint 11 – The Weather Man – Retrospective

THE WEATHER MAN Week of March 26th, 2017 OVERVIEW It only took me an entire month of failure, but I’m finally back to a normal and productive work schedule. Without really meaning to I’ve been slowly transitioning to creating “content” instead of “systems”. This is a really cool and important change, and while I wouldn’t dare […]

Feature Friday: Exploration

Welcome to another edition of Feature Friday! Yet again I’m here to take you all on deep dive into one of the many wonderful features and systems you can find in Village Monsters Today, I’ll be exploring (you’ll get this joke in just a bit) one of my favorite subjects: exploration! Let’s take a look… I absolutely adore exploration in […]

Sprint 11 – The Weather Man – Planning

THE WEATHER MAN Week of March 26th, 2017 WARP DOGS’ CORP LOGS The state of our WARP CORP has declined of late, but can still be considered ~pretty decent~ The Extinction-Level-Event (ELE) has crept toward ~45 weeks away. Man! It’s been raining non-stop over here at WARP CORP HQ, and I gotta tell ya, your boy is starting to go rain […]

Sprint 7/8 – Accidental Vacation – Retrospective

ACCIDENTAL VACATION Week of February 26th, 2017 & March 5th, 2017 I’m not dead. It’s never a good sign when you have to start a post that way. I’m calling the last week an accidental vacation. I didn’t mean to play Breath of the Wild nearly 8 hours a day for seven days straight, but that’s the […]

Sprint 7 – Breath of Fresh Air – Plan

BREATH OF FRESH AIR Week of February 26th, 2017 WARP DOGS’ CORP LOGS The state of our WARP CORP continues to hold steady at ~really god damned good~ The Extinction-Level-Event (ELE) is holding steady at ~49 weeks away. Outrageous! It’s been about a month and a half and expenses have certainly evened out. It makes predicting the future a […]