Another week has gone by, and that means another version of the (newly renamed) Village Monsters Dev Diary Digest!
Without really meaning to this week followed a consistent theme – ensuring that every day (in the game!) feels different, or unique, or interesting, or surprising. That’s been a mantra of mine since I first started, and I’m increasingly in the position to make good on it
![Click this image to show the full-size version. [IMG]](
First up, I changed the merchant around so its stock changes each day. I also split up the show floor so he sell both furniture and normal items now.
Speaking of daily refreshes, similar to Animal Crossing there’ll be a number of things that reset each day. For example, each day a number of ‘diggable spots’ spawn around town that you can find treasure, monster fossils, minerals, and other goodies.
These spots used to be marked by a simple ‘x’, but this week I changed it up so that each category of items gets its own unique icon: treasure looks like a half-buried treasure chest, fossils look like half-buried bones, and minerals look like a half-buried rock
Next up, I added a bunch more ‘atmospheric animals’ (which is a bad name). Unlike other critters, these animals are mundane and cannot be caught or donated, and they are mostly ambivalent to the player. They exist purely to add flavor and atmosphere to the village as you walk around each day. Like critters, the types of animals you’ll see differ based on time of day, weather, and season
Games these days typically achieve things like atmosphere and ‘sense of place’ via a strong or unique art style. It should be clear by now that I’m no artist, so I’m hoping to accomplish the sense of place by focusing on the little things and attention to detail.
For example, every so often you’ll see a bird fly overhead…
![Click this image to show the full-size version. [IMG]](
But in the fall, things change slightly – instead of flying north, they fly south…
Again, it’s a small thing, something that most folks won’t notice, but I want my game filled with these things to give it a realistic feel and personality
I don’t just want each day to feel different – I also want each time of day to have its own ‘feel’. The main way I’m accomplishing this is by giving villagers their own schedules (TBD) and having unique hourly music (also TBD), but I also want activities, both big and small, to change based on the time, season, and weather.
For example, the above campfire is a good place to hang out and roast some food, but it’s only available at night during the warmer seasons
In general, each day I want the player to wake up, check their calendar & weather report, and feel excited about the possibilities of the day. Oh, it’s clear tonight – that means the campfire will be open! Oh, it’s raining this morning – I bet I can catch that rare fish! And so on.
Finally, I want to share a WIP behind-the-scenes thing – my design doc for the yearly calendar. I’ll have more to say as it becomes more fleshed out and finalized, but you’ll notice that there are 8 months (2 for each season) and that most weeks have 1-2 events or holidays to look forward to.
This might sound obvious, but what’s the best way to make a day feel unique and different? Make it a special holiday with unique activities, themes, music, and more. I’ll have a lot of them!
i’m on like… day 7 i think, and i mend that bridge, the glitchy one, go across to graveyard, not much there, come back and in the first field on way back i go to my trap and it glitches out on me… unable to copy error code or anything… game just closed 🙁
also, what are them little blue gnome things? i get them from the shrine thing, what the heck is happening in this game? do i get relationships to improve by talking to everyone when ever i see them or is that just dumb? and the jobs, why don’t i get paid for being experimented on by klous or picking weeds in the farm? and should i sell all my critters and fish? or just save the 5* ones? and should i put 5* critters on the farm? or 1* critters to turn them into 5* critters to sell for more money? is that how it works? some lil tutorials would be nice to fill in these gaps…