Josh Bossie

The driftwood will remind him about eternity

Sprint 1 – Here We Go! – Plan


Week of January 15th, 2017


  • The state of our WARP CORP is still ~insanely heckin’ good~
  • The Extinction-Level-Event (ELE) is at an all-time record of 42 weeks away. Indescribable!

The Pre-Sprints have been completed – we are now in the full sprint mode.

A last minute rearrangement of finances was able to get the cash reserves to record levels. I now have 42 weeks to, bluntly, “figure this shiz out”

and figure it out I will!

I spent so much time on foundational work that it’s time to reap the benefits. This sprint won’t be bogged down by getting things up and running, and instead will pick up exactly where I left off.

One thing I am unsure of is exactly how much I can get done now that I have a full 40-60 hours worth of time to work. I, uh, presume it’ll be a great deal more than I was able to get done previously, but just how much more? We’ll have to do a real proper retrospective in 7 days time!


With the Were-Release paradigm firmly locked into place, this next week will be laser-focused on iterating over the Wolf build and turning into something that resembles an actual game.

I’m loathe to use the term ‘vertical slice’, and prefer instead to think of this as a ‘horizontal slice’. Things will be very rough still, but that’s ok, because between now and release we’re going to iterate a whole bunch of times.

In looking at my Kanban board, I want to get some core gameplay loops up and running ASAP. This includes bug hunting, fishing, dog commands, and basic movement around the game world. By the end of this sprint it should undeniably look like a game.

Ok, let’s do our best today.






2 responses to “Sprint 1 – Here We Go! – Plan”

  1. dtm Avatar

    Super psyched for you Josh! Really interesting to read through the posts and to get a better understanding of what is involved in making a game, but more to get an idea of what you’ve been going through as well.
    Wish you the best of luck and will be checking back for future releases.

  2. josh Avatar

    Thanks for the kind words, Dan!

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