Josh Bossie

The driftwood will remind him about eternity

Tag: Alpha 2

  • Village Monsters – Alpha 2.2 Release

    Happy New Year! The final Alpha version of 2017 has been posted. It’s also very likely the final Alpha version period! Next up I begin work on Beta 1. Get hyped! Your download portal should already be updated with the new hotness. Here’s the patch notes for the release: Alpha 2.2 Additions The title screen…

  • Village Monsters – Alpha 2.1 Release

    Oof, that’ll teach me to make a bunch of changes on a release day. It’s obvious now that Alpha 2 needed much more thorough testing of the last-minute changes; many of you have reported crashes and other problems that are preventing you from even playing. I was able to fix the majority of them and…

  • Village Monsters – Alpha 2 Release Notes

    Here it is! The first Village Monsters demo of the post-Kickstarter era. It’s called Alpha 2, and it’s hopefully a big improvement on Alpha 1. If you’re a Kickstarter backer that has pledged $25 or above you should be getting an email soon with instructions on how to download it. If you don’t fall in…

  • On Alpha 2, Too

    We’re barreling toward the first release of the post-Kickstarter demo of Village Monsters, so I wanted to take some time to talk about what that means. First, the release date: Alpha 2 will be made available on December 11th, 2017! Following Alpha 2 will be several Feedback Releases which will come out between the 11th and the end…

  • Development Diary – Improving on graphics, fishing, and sounds

    I’m still having trouble getting my sea legs, assuming “sea legs” means making time for regular updates! I don’t think anyone has ever used the phrase like that before, but I’m nothing if not a pioneer! Anyway, it’s still technically the weekend, so I’m not late yet. There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s…

  • Development Diary – Working on some UI…

    …and we’re back! It seems like every single day since the Kickstarter ended there has been one thing after another…doctor appointments, car appointments, flying to a wedding 3500 miles away, a very bad stomach bug. It’s been awhile, but I should be back to normal at long last. Let’s see if I remember how to…