Sprint 2 – Onward, to Glory! – Plan


Week of January 22nd, 2017


  • The state of our WARP CORP is still ~insanely heckin’ good~
  • The Extinction-Level-Event (ELE) is at a new all-time record of 48 weeks away. Indescribable!

This week’s chart is a bit misleading! I didn’t spend a cent from the overall nest egg I’ve saved up, but this isn’t because I’m some sort of financial mastermind. Rather, I had some leftover money in the line items I did spend from, so I had no need to dip into the coffers.

This week, and the weeks thereafter, will likely be a great deal more spendy.

I had a great first week, and I can only hope this next one is just as productive. I really like this being my own boss thing. At this point the biggest risk to the whole operation is losing steam, so I’m plowing forward with reckless abandon.


Last sprint I laid down the foundation and began to implement various systems, such as critter catching, creature interaction, and notifications. This sprint will be more of the same, but with different systems. The current plan is something as follows:

  • Better conversation system and overall dialog management
  • Fishing and related systems
  • An actual village map
  • Historical Society and related systems

If last sprint was any indication these goals will spawn way more tasks that I can’t even think of yet, but the hope is, as always, to just get a boatload of things done.

Gonna do my best today!

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